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I really believe that the most important document you can create as an adult is your resume. Whether you are just starting out, changing careers, or trying to get the job of your dreams, your resume can stand between you and your next great job. When I started working as a career coach, I spent hours reading books, taking workshops and attending training to learn how to create one very important document, your resume.
After researching resumes, I realized there were 3 important resume tips I wanted to share with my clients. I have shared them below to help you create the perfect resume! In addition, look for my free copy of Power Words for your Resume for you to download at the end of the article.
Here are my 3 simple tips to make your resume stand out from the crowd.
Tip 1: Format

As a creative person, I love to really be unique. My last resume was unique, colorful and an expression of me. Unfortunately, I never seemed to get an interview and it was likely due to my creative resume. After researching best practices with resumes, I realized that most often our resumes are initially read by a computer. The information is then pulled directly from the resume and categorized for the recruiter.
If your resume is in a more unique or creative format, it is possible that the information will not be read correctly by the computer and your resume will likely be disregarded. As much as I love the idea of a creative resume, unless you KNOW your resume will be read directly by a recruiter or a person, it is best to stick with a basic format. Find a simple template in word or use a resume builder online to create a resume that is clean and simple.
If you are going to an interview especially for a creative role, bring along a copy of your creative resume to give during your interview. In a later post, I will provide some additional details about resume styles and templates so check back for updated content.
Tip 2: Impressive Content

Once you have a clean and simple format for your resume, you want to make sure you are using impressive and unique content. If you are like me and have years of experience, your resume could be 4 or 5 pages, but you have to figure out how to keep it to one page. The key, only use impressive or unique content on your resume. Save all the additional details for an online portfolio or your linked in profile.
For every line on your resume, ask yourself is this impressive or unique? Would a recruiter invite you to an interview based on the details that you have provided? For each job on your resume, you only have 2-3 bullet points available to talk about your accomplishments so make sure you are using unique and impressive content. This is true for your educational and personal section as well.
I suggest writing down all of your facts and details for each section of your resume before you create your resume so you can select the BEST content for your resume. If it isn’t impressive, then save it for your online portfolio.
Tip 3: Power Words

Now that you have your format selected and the content you want to share, you need to make sure you share it in the most appealing way. Everyone knows you only have 1 chance to make a first impression and this is very true when it comes to your resume. Recruiters are often overwhelmed with the amount of resumes they receive for job postings. In order to get noticed, you have to make sure that every word of your resume COUNTS starting with the FIRST WORD of each line. No matter if it is Work Experience, Educational Experience or Personal Experience, make sure you start each sentence with a high impact or POWER WORD.
Good copywriters know ALL about Power Words! If they want their blog, email or article to be read, they know exactly how to use good power words to get the job done. Power words are words that trigger a psychological or emotional response. These words are persuasive and will grab the readers attention.
When creating your resume do your BEST to start each sentence with a power word. Here are a few examples:
- Surpassed Quota by 20% for 14 consecutive months.
- Awarded “Excellence to Sell” award for overall sales in 2015
- Delivered over $3M in revenue by migrating thousands of user to a new email platform.
- Achieved membership in the Golden Key National Honor Society
- Created and Co-chaired a Calendar Project for Patriot Paws that raised over 10k in funds
Free Power Words for your Resume
If you want to ensure that someone is looking at your accomplishments, make sure you start with a power word. Of course, don’t use the same ones for each line, make sure to mix it up. Not sure what power words to use on your resume, I have put together a copy of my FAVORITE power words to use on a resume. You can grab it for free below!
Fetch your FREE Power Words for your Resume
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Stuck in your Career?
Not sure exactly what you want to do with your career or feel stuck? I would LOVE to help you design a career that is perfect for you! Make sure you check out my Career Coaching Services.