Since starting my studies in Human Design, I have really opened myself up to the idea of the “law of attraction”. I LOVE the idea of the universe working in our favor and attracting amazing opportunities and surprises to us! I have to admit, the more I believe it, the more I see it!
In fact, ironically, people that are magnets for attracting success in their lives have been showing up in front of me the last few months. From books, to speakers, to chance encounters, to circumstance, the law of attraction has made itself known in my life lately and I have decided to listen.
This month I have found money, received money, received goods , and various other blessings that just seem to show up out of thin air. My biggest surprise came when I actually asked for a huge pile of rocks to be given to me just to have them delivered free the next day so we could fix our driveway. We received somewhere around 400 dollars worth of much needed rocks for FREE!
After all of these confirmations of the law of attraction in my life, I decided it was time to open myself up to believing that I can attract things (good or bad) in my life.

Since starting my journey with Human Design, I realized that there are really some amazing quantum physics going on in our universe. The law of attraction is just one of the many pieces to this. In fact, as a projector, I am DESIGNED to attract people into my life, that is actually part of my strategy. people recognize and invite me. The interesting part of this is that we actually have more control than we realize on who and what we attract into our lives by what we have going on in our minds.
This month, I had the great opportunity to attend a special training for the top leaders in our company. Can you guess what the speaker taught us? You guessed it, she talked in great detail about the law of attraction and how important it was to manifest what you want in life. She used it in her own life and business to go from being stuck to making over 7 figures a year.

She shared with us her ideas about the law of attraction and manifesting your destiny with belief. Specifically, she encouraged us to read The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale everyday for 30 days and to concentrate on what we want to manifests in our lives.
In his book, Nightingale explains his idea of the law of attraction and sets up a 30 day challenge to change your life using a few simple daily assignments. Since the law of attraction seemed to be trying to get my attention, I was happy to start this 30 day journey. I have been listening to his book ( it is only 30 minutes) everyday during my walk.
Nightingale does go on to say, that you must continue to challenge yourself again and again for 30 day intervals to see BIG changes, but even just 30 days will make a difference. As someone that already believes in goal setting, I am looking forward to the challenge.

At the end of each 30 day journey, I will provide an update on my progress. In my opinion, there are only good outcomes by making an effort to be more positive daily so there is no reason NOT to give the 30 day challenge a try.
Would you like to attract a better life in 30 days? I am thinking about setting up a challenge of my own down the road. I want everyone to have an opportunity to make small shifts that make huge impacts! I know I am excited about this challenge.
Want to stay more connected with me during this challenge, join my email list. I would love a chance to get to know you better!
REMEMBER – you are perfectly designed to attract your very best dog mom life!