Selecting the best dog food As a dog mom, aside from shelter, selecting the best dog food should be a top priority. The health, happiness, and longevity of your dog depends on this one decision. As part of my journey as a dog mom, it is time for me to try a new dog food. Overall, I was happy with my dog food, but I knew I could do better. I decided that the best way to select the best food for ... Read More about Selecting the best dog food: A dog mom’s number 1 priority
Dog Mom Life
Dog is good: 5 Reasons why Dog Moms should be obsessed with this brand
Finding my "Zen" with the Dog is Good Brand Dog is Good walked into my life around 5 years ago. As a dog mom, I am always looking for ways to show love of my very favorite furry friends, particularly in public. I will never forget the day when I locked eyes with it. To some, a simple tote bag, but to me, it was the first moment that I KNEW that someone understood me. It was a point in my life ... Read More about Dog is good: 5 Reasons why Dog Moms should be obsessed with this brand
Trimming dog nails – 3 steps to “Nailed It” before you make the first cut
Are you in fear of trimming dog nails? One of the concerns I have seen repeated by many of the dog moms in my circle is the loss of grooming services. Every dog mom knows that a good groomer is like a great bottle of wine or the perfect purse. Trimming dog nails without a groomer may seem like trying to cut down a large tree with a butter knife, but I am here to reassure you - YOU CAN DO THIS. ... Read More about Trimming dog nails – 3 steps to “Nailed It” before you make the first cut
Sewing a Dog Mom Mask: 2 step-by-step patterns that work
Why sew a face mask? Today I tried my sewing skills on a dog mom mask. Since I may venture out a few times to the grocery store or to get dog food, I might need a face mask, but I am more interested in making one for my husband. He is currently considered an Essential Employee and still leaving our house for work each day. The CDC now recommends some type of protection prior to ... Read More about Sewing a Dog Mom Mask: 2 step-by-step patterns that work
3 natural remedies to go from dirty dog to squeaky clean!
At some point in EVERY dog owners life, you will look down the muzzle at a very, very dirty dog! This week I found myself looking at my sweet white pittie mix and thinking - What have you done???? Since April showers brings muddy flowers, I thought it would be a great time to dust off some ways to get your dog from dirty dog to squeaky clean with natural remedies. We had an absolutely ... Read More about 3 natural remedies to go from dirty dog to squeaky clean!