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Halloween was one of my VERY favorite times of the year growing up and I still love it. As a kid, I was all about costumes and candy, but as a dog mom, I am all about Halloween Safety! Don’t let Halloween become a Fur-ightful night for you and your dogs, use these 3 Halloween Safety tips to keep your pack safe on Halloween! Make sure you SNAG your FREE download of our Halloween Safety Tips in our Resource Library and fetch your 20% off coupon by joining the Pawsitive Pet Health Pack!
Halloween Safety tips

Tip 1: No Sweets for your doggos to eat!

There is nothing more difficult than saying NO to those sweet puppy dog eyes, but when it comes to candy, the answer is NO. Most dog moms know that Chocolate is off limits for dogs, but did you know that the sweetener Xylitol is harmful to your pooch?
According to Nationwide Pet Insurance, a vet trip due to an overdose of chocolate costs an average of $596 and sugar free candy around $496. The lucky pet parents end up with just a vet bill and not a tragedy! The best Halloween safety tip, KEEP SWEETS AWAY FROM FIDO!
If you are looking for a way to treat them, try one of these healthy and natural 3 ingredient treat that your pet will love! Fetch some pawTreats for your dog or cat!
Tip 2: Provide a “haunted” free zone!

Halloween may be filled with TREATS for your kids, but it is filled with TRICKS for your four paw pets. Door Bells, knocking, strange smells, costumes are just a few things that might give your dog a fright! Did you know that Halloween is the SECOND most common holiday that pets run away?
Keeping your pet in a safe place away from exits and noises is your best Halloween Safety plan. Keep your door open to limit the knocks and bells!
If your dog is prone to anxiety, it might be a good time to provide them something to help them relax. It’s a good idea to invest in a natural supplement to help with anxiety! Chillax with CBD or with Hemp is a great product to curb anxiety naturally. I have a long list of clients that share how much Chillax has changed their lives! Halloween is a great time to put it to the test! Another option, turn on some music to help mute the strange noises.
Tip 3: Don’t let your Dog Halloween Costume give them the boos

All dog moms LOVE a great costume, but not all dogs love them. Be mindful of your dog and their tolerance for dressing up. Don’t let your vanity have a negative impact on your furry, it isn’t worth it.
If your pooch doesn’t mind, keep these Halloween safety costume tips in mind.
**Make sure the costume fits: Not too tight or too lose (especially around the neck)
**Check for choking hazards: Make sure their are no choking hazards are small pieces they can swallow
**Make sure it doesn’t obscure vision
Bonus: Our Favorite Costumes
I have SEVERAL dogs that don’t mind a costume! Biscuit is modeling his VERY favorite Costumes. The Taco and Superman. Either would be GREAT for a partner Costume. Superman/Superwoman and Taco/Salsa!

Halloween Safety is important
The key to a fun Halloween is a little bit of preparation for Halloween Safety! Take the time in advance to plan out a fun costume, grab some chillax and setup a safe room for your pet. Have a spootacular holiday!
Join the Pawsitive Pet Health Pack to save 20% on your first order of treats or chillax AND to fetch access to our library for this super cool download!

Want to have pet health and wellness tips and tricks delivered right to your email? Would you like to download a copy of our Halloween Safety Tips? Would you like to SAVE 20% on your first order?
If you said YES to any of these, join the Pawsitive Pet Health Pack! We would love to have you! Get tips and tricks on keeping your pets healthy and happy and get immediate access to our resource library!
Remember – you are PURFECTLY designed to FETCH your very best life!

Fetch your FREE Halloween Safety download to save and share! Snag FREE access to our Resource Library to fetch all of our amazing FREE dog mom downloads!

[…] my Blog about Halloween Safety, I talk about how important it is to have a safe space for your dog to decompress. If your pet […]